My Dating Rant

Have I ever expressed to you, my lovely loyal readers, how much I LOATHE the entire ceremony of dating? If I haven't (which I'm sure I have), let me take a few minutes out of your busy day to rant on exactly what I dislike the most about the dating process.

I dislike the "getting to know you" phase. Generally this is the point in which you meet a person's representative, and they meet yours. You know what I'm talking about! You wear the mask.. and you do it well. You watch what you say, monitor your vocabulary, act like you have some sense. When, generally, you say the first thing that's on your mind, cuss like a sailor and act a pure @ss on a day to day basis. I kid...a little.

During this phase you are becoming better acquainted with the person you are dating, and are learning what makes them tick, what makes them smile and what makes their teeth itch; and vice versa. C'est Chic, ever the lover of immediate gratification, DREADS the process! I want to immediately jump to the point in which you know me well enough to know not to piss me off (too much), not to say the wrong thing and to back up off me 2.5 days before I turn "red".

I hate the ceremonial 2-3 day breaks that come in between dates. Hell, if you like me, enjoy my company and want to see me everyday- COME AND SEE ME! Call me! We can go out, or chill at home. Don't put limits on it if that's how you feel! Urrrggghhh.

Ok. The End!

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