D.W.I. (Dialing While Intoxicated)

It plays out the same way every time…you have a little too much to drink and before you know it…your mind starts racing and then your fingers start dialing, or in my case, texting. Why is it that alcohol somehow fills you with this magical “liquid courage” and urges you to do things you wouldn’t in your sober mind even dream of? Anyone who says they don’t know what I’m talking about has never been drunk!! We’ve all either done it ourselves or witnessed a friend making a call that we all know he or she should not be making. From there, we usually find ourselves tracing our steps and conversations the next morning, trying to figure out how embarrassed we should really be.

Last weekend, I fell into the rabbit hole! After a fun night out, and lots of cocktails, I found myself having a mental debate as to whether I should call my Ex. He was top of mind and I’d decided in my mind that I could not go to bed without talking to him. Just to give you some perspective, this guy is definitely an Ex and we really don’t talk that often anymore. However, because I believe in truth telling, I have to admit that I do still have feelings for him. Now back to the story – I consider myself a somewhat reasonable person, which is probably how I rationalized (in my drunken state) that it would be better to text than to call. Now that the liqueur fog has worn off, I remember thinking that texting him was way better than calling. I somehow thought that would keep me from embarrassing myself. What in the hell was I thinking???!!!!! Any reasonable (or sober) person would determine that having written proof of embarrassment is much worse than hearsay from one person. But…I wasn’t sober so I proceeded to text. Lucky for me, I wasn’t feeling overly emotional that night. Any other night, that drunken text could have turned into a profession of my undying love or an angry rant about how badly he hurt me and all the reasons we can’t be together. This time, I (guess) was trying to be coy and cute and sent some cryptic message that only I could decipher. He called the following day wondering what I meant but I blew it off and told him that I was drunk and not to worry about. I apologized for the late night text but joked that texting had to be better than calling. Surprisingly, he told me it would have definitely been okay to call. But I’m not going to go there!!!
Ultimate embarrassment averted! I was so thankful my “liquid courage” didn’t take me out this time. Heaven knows I’ve experienced enough drunk dials to last me a lifetime. As I approach my 30’s…I’m hoping my DWI’s will be fewer and far between – hopefully over!


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Is Dating on Reality TV Really Dating?

I have to admit that I can not get with the program of these reality dating shows. I just can't find it in me to allow myself to totally believe the foolishness that is shown. I mean seriously, what woman in her right mind would want to date Flavor Flav? What woman do you know (with something going for herself), would willingly reside in a house full of other women as she competes against them for a total stranger's adoration and praise? Ummmm, I don't know of any. Where do they find these chics that participate?

When The Bachelor first hit TV a few years back, I tuned in out of sheer curiosity. What appalled me is the desperation that these ladies reaked of. The way that would stop at nothing to get the attention of a man they thought was an heir to a fortune. How they would make decisions to spend the night with him and kiss him after knowing that just a few hours ago he was with another woman, doing the same thing. That made my teeth itch. To me, there is nothing more degrading than women COMPETING for a man. I often wonder if, in the course of these shows, does it become more about the competition than it does about the relationship. After all, that's really what they are there for- a relationship, right? So at some point does it become less about the actual guy and more about winning?

I wonder if at some point these chics realize that the man is full of ish, and he really isn't their type. I'm sure that has happened. It is only natural for you to think less of a man slobbing down some chick in a hot tub that he has known for less than 24 hrs. It has to make you think twice about his credibility. But will any of the women on these shows ever speak out about it? NOPE. I believe they won't because at that point it has become more about the show and not about the relationship.

The Bachelorette and I Love New York are spin offs from the original shows The Bachelor and Flavor of Love. These shows have flipped the script and put the woman in charge of finding a mate out of a sea of men. This is even more unbelievable. Men definitely hate competition when it comes to women. Open competition that is. I'm sorry, but the man that is my HIM is not ok with living in the same house for an unprecidented amount of weeks- first off. Call me elitist, but my HIM is not ok with the possibility of me swapping spit with random men, including him.

Even if it's just for fun dating purposes, quality men and women would be nowhere near these shows. I know, I know, it's all satire and made for television. Well, call it that then...don't call it reality TV.

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The Best of Both Worlds

What do you do when your famous EX marries beneath you? I guess technically, you don't do anything. But how does it make you feel? And what does it stand for?

How often is it, that you see a high profile man on television or the net with his s/o and think to yourself "That's his wife?!" With a puzzled look on your face, you wonder why that man chose that woman. Knowing all of the options he must have (or have had) what compelled him to be with her? Then you catch yourself and think that you are being shallow. Shame on you! After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder- right? Of course there is more to a person than just the physical. You start feeling bad for thinking horrible thoughts about Mr. HP and the Homely/Plain Jane that is his MRS.

I have dated my fair share of high profile men. As much as I hate to admit it, there is something intriguing about a man with power, money and flashing lights! And I guess you could say that I am the quintessential date for a high profile guy. But I seem to fall short of the MRS. material. Why?

Personally, I think it is safe to say that these type of men generally date women who are aesthetically appealing, charismatic, and intelligent. The DYME. But they always seem to marry the homely, submissive, average chick. The Plain Jane.

You guys remember the post about MAC right? You may have figured out from that post that MAC is a Mr. HP kind of guy. He recently exchanged "I Dos" with his homely, submissive, average chick. After seeing the pics from the ceremony, I have received many comments from friends and family that have stated what I've known for a while: MAC clearly downgraded.

Not to toot my own horn (TOOT!TOOT!), but I am confident that I run circles around the new MRS. in every area. However, I lacked something obviously. At least in MAC's eyes.

I am sure I am running the risk of sounding like the bitter EX, but this has happened to me on more than one occasion. I have been courted by a few high profile men, only to later find out that I am the EXACT opposite of the women they chose to wife.
This has left me perplexed to say the least. Did they date me because I was exactly what they didn't want in a wife but was the perfect arm candy at the time?

I am not alone in this. I personally know many women who also stand in this category along with me. Any man with good sense and good sight would want to hold tight and "wife" one of us- right? WRONG. Not the men that we tend to date and are attracted to. Not the MR. HPs.

After deep soul-searching and self evaluation, I realized that the problem really isn't me- it's them. I have come to the conclusion that many of these men tend to take the safe road when it relates to the "forever" term. They would much rather marry the woman that most men wouldn't look at twice, as oppose to marrying the DYME. Why? Because the DYME, in all of her beauty and savoir faire, makes them feel insecure- inadequate even. The high profile man needs for the attention to be on him at all times, the DYME threatens to steal his shine. Mr. HP needs to be confident that his MRS. wouldn't have any other options in the event that he shows his azz (which he most likely will do at some point in the relationship). He knows that the DYME, in all of her glory, could have any man walking- including other more HIGHER profile men. That makes him uncomfortable.

Men most times HATE competition, with women that is. Especially the high profile ones. Yes, I am generalizing, but please follow me. While they are flattered that other men find their woman attractive and intelligent, they are also insecure because of it. So, instead of living with the fact that they have a DYME for a wife, they would rather make a safe choice and choose the chic that they know no one else would look at twice. Mr. HP doesn't want to feel like the MRS. had many choices, but chose him. He wants to be the one with the upper hand. It is only right, in his eyes, that he is the only one with options. The homely average chick is flattered that Mr. HP has chosen her and would do NOTHING to run him away.

Mr. HP is ok with dating the DYME, and he may even entertain the idea of marrying her; they may even shack up together. That's how he gets his "street cred" or "dating cred" as I should call it. It flatters him to hear his colleagues, buddies and the like, marvel in her beauty and intelligence...it makes him proud to see her work a room and play hostess...but it also makes him uneasy at the same time. He realizes that exactly what he loves about her, everyone else does too. In his mind, that makes him expendable. Soooo, before he sustains an ego crush or lives an insecure life, he'd rather make the safe choice and seek out the Plain Jane.

Little does Mr. HP know, average doesn't equate undying love and adoration anymore than being a DYME equates the desire to seek out better options. Having been the DYME a time or two, I can safely say that in any relationship, whether with a Mr. HP or with an Average Joe, I have been hopelessly devoted. I am unequivocally 100% faithful when in a relationship. Just because I could get another man, doesn't mean that I wanted one. When I'm digging a dude that's it. It's about he and I. No one else could come between that bond. Even if the next guy is of a higher profile or possess better looks.

What Mr. HP can not decipher is true commitment because more often than not, he isn't offering it himself! These men tend to have one foot in and one foot out- in all of their relationships. Most times the lack of commitment can be attributed to his own guilty conscience. It has been this very example of insecurity and inadequacy that has led to the demise of many a relationship between Mr. HP and the DYME.

So where is the hope for a DYME like myself? Do we dumb-down? Dress in sweats? Hide our natural God-given assets behind large sunglasses and hats? Or do we continue being ourselves and wait for the man that will appreciate us in all of our DYMEness? I mean after all, if you are a DYME, there isn't much you can do to play it down. I think the latter is the most appealing option at the moment. There has to be some man (or men) out there that isn't intimidated by a fierce woman, and is equally fierce in his own right and comfortable in his own skin!

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