Dating Chronicles: Mr. Big Shot

I couldn't make up these stories if I tried! I have a vivid imagination, but not this vivid. Sit back and relax and take a glimpse into my life in the Dating Lane.

This weekend was very eventful- to say the least. I have been attending a Cycling Class at my gym for a little over a month now. The class is held twice a week, and has a faithful following.

I am the "newbie" in the class, and a couple of weeks ago, while setting up my bike, one of the veteran members came over to make small talk with me. He told me his name was *G* and welcomed me to the class. "Pretty nice guy," I thought to myself. I worked out hard in the class that day...I was soooo proud of myself. At the end, I began limping my way over to the women's locker room. Boy, that seat is something else. It never ceases to violate me EVERY class.

*G* follows me out, and I didn't realize until I was halfway down the stairs that he was behind me. At the bottom of the staircase, he stopped me and handed me his business card. He said he wanted to meet me for lunch one day during the week and asked my availability. Cool. I give him my info, so that we could coordinate schedules.

Generally, guys that try to hit on me in the gym are not given the time of day. I loathe having some man salivate over my ass while I'm doing lunges. It seems so desperate to me when men approach women while they're trying to get their work-out on. But for some reason, I felt like I didn't have anything to loose, and *G* seemed nice enough, and it helped that he was fine ass hell.

So, later that day, I received an email from *G* asking me to meet him at this quaint little Cuban eatery north of my home. I oblige and am there promptly at the designated time.

The date started off pretty cool. We had decent conversation, he was very polite, and well-mannered. By all accounts this was a pretty good date. Then the check came. He reviewed the bill and proceeded to reach into his pocket to pay. Good right? Wrong.
Why did this dude pay the entire 68.00 bill and 20.00 tip in ONE DOLLAR BILLS??!!??!!

Something was definitely wrong with that picture! When he noticed me looking at him with the *side eye*, he attempted to explain. The bottom line was- he was headed to the strip club after our date. Well, at least he was honest. *Insert long SIIIIGGHHH*


Anonymous said...

That was funny, I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I am enjoying it a lot...

Michael in NOLA

A.u.n.t. Jackie said...

all i can say is that i thought they gave away ones at the strip club...sounds like this guy might be a regular at the spot!
