D.W.I. (Dialing While Intoxicated)

It plays out the same way every time…you have a little too much to drink and before you know it…your mind starts racing and then your fingers start dialing, or in my case, texting. Why is it that alcohol somehow fills you with this magical “liquid courage” and urges you to do things you wouldn’t in your sober mind even dream of? Anyone who says they don’t know what I’m talking about has never been drunk!! We’ve all either done it ourselves or witnessed a friend making a call that we all know he or she should not be making. From there, we usually find ourselves tracing our steps and conversations the next morning, trying to figure out how embarrassed we should really be.

Last weekend, I fell into the rabbit hole! After a fun night out, and lots of cocktails, I found myself having a mental debate as to whether I should call my Ex. He was top of mind and I’d decided in my mind that I could not go to bed without talking to him. Just to give you some perspective, this guy is definitely an Ex and we really don’t talk that often anymore. However, because I believe in truth telling, I have to admit that I do still have feelings for him. Now back to the story – I consider myself a somewhat reasonable person, which is probably how I rationalized (in my drunken state) that it would be better to text than to call. Now that the liqueur fog has worn off, I remember thinking that texting him was way better than calling. I somehow thought that would keep me from embarrassing myself. What in the hell was I thinking???!!!!! Any reasonable (or sober) person would determine that having written proof of embarrassment is much worse than hearsay from one person. But…I wasn’t sober so I proceeded to text. Lucky for me, I wasn’t feeling overly emotional that night. Any other night, that drunken text could have turned into a profession of my undying love or an angry rant about how badly he hurt me and all the reasons we can’t be together. This time, I (guess) was trying to be coy and cute and sent some cryptic message that only I could decipher. He called the following day wondering what I meant but I blew it off and told him that I was drunk and not to worry about. I apologized for the late night text but joked that texting had to be better than calling. Surprisingly, he told me it would have definitely been okay to call. But I’m not going to go there!!!
Ultimate embarrassment averted! I was so thankful my “liquid courage” didn’t take me out this time. Heaven knows I’ve experienced enough drunk dials to last me a lifetime. As I approach my 30’s…I’m hoping my DWI’s will be fewer and far between – hopefully over!
