Dating Chronicles: Young Buck

You all remember me posting about the younger guy that I had met a while back- right? If not you can find the post here for background purposes. Baby Boy and I had been kicking it pretty hard during the past few months. He is temporarily living in a city near my home and has had lots of free time. And who better to share that extra time with than yours truly!

I can honestly say that in the past few months he and I have spent almost every day together. We have done many things- from attending art showings, to dinner and a movie, to bike riding in the park, etc. The list of activities go on and on and on. We had a ball with each other and there was never a dull moment. One day Baby Boy called me and told me that he needed to speak with me regarding something really important. That evening at dinner, he looked into my eyes and told me that he believed that he was falling in love with me. I was flattered. Even though the feelings weren't exactly mutual, I did enjoy spending time with him and loved him as a person. I wouldn't say that I was "in love" with him though. Sensing my reluctance, he assured me that I didn't have to respond to him saying that I loved him, but he just wanted to express to me his inner feelings. I wasn't going to jerk his chain like that anyway. We continued dinner that night and had a great time together as usual.

During the days that followed I became really busy. Swarmed with work obligations and general life activites, spending time with Baby Boy just wasn't on my radar. Two weeks had gone by, and I hadn't really noticed that Baby Boy had slacked off from his normal twice daily phone calls to almost none at all. Beyond that, we hadn't spent time together in weeks, so I called him just to check in and see what he was up to. We had a brief conversation and then he told me that he had wanted to talk to me....again. I told him to meet me at Barnes and Noble since I had to pick up a book for a project I was doing.

While we were at Barnes and Noble, Baby Boy broke the news...he was getting married. My first thought was "WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME??" God must be a comedian, because he is continuously playing practical jokes on me in the Dating Lane. He has a GREAT sense of humor! Too bad he's laughing alone, because I'm not amused.

Baby Boy went on and on about how he got "caught up" in dating me and that he enjoyed us spending time together. He said that he didn't realize how hard it would be to break the news of his engagement to me. Baby Boy thought that the right thing to do was tell me that he had asked someone to marry him. According to him, he proposed to the girl two days prior to our meet-up and that he had purchased her a 2 carat emerald cut diamond and platinum engagement ring. He even went so far as to say that he just knew I would love the ring.

I've been through this before- recently, so all of the talk had no affect on me at all. I continued rummaging through the shelves of books in search of the book I was looking for. I remained silent until he finished speaking. My response: "Congratulations?"

Yes, congratulations in question form. Was I supposed to be ecstatic for him and his engagement? Here we go again. Another guy who pulls a fiance out of the thin air. I was soooo over these moments. I came across the book I was looking for and proceeded to the check out counter. He insisted on paying for the book, and hey, I didn't attempt to stop him. We went our seperate ways and it wasn't until two weeks had passed that he called me again.

The first thing out of Baby Boy's mouth when I answered the phone was "CC, we need to talk". Goodness! I thought. How many more "talks" are we gonna have? What do we even need to talk about? Then he said the ultimate "When I told you that I was engaged, I lied." WTF??! The story went a little something like this: He had conjured up a fake engagement because he wanted me to "fight for him." Those were his exact words. He thought that by telling me that he was engaged, that I would return his sentiments of Love, and fight for the "relationship he thought we shared." He also said that it hurt him to his core that he told me he loved me and all I said was "Thank You." He talked for 10 minutes straight without a peep from my mouth. And then he asked me what I thought about it all.

Of course I revealed to him that he and I would NEVER be able to continue any type of friendship. I also let him know that I am not a crazy, jealous, young chick. I also let him know that him telling me that he was engaged was a turn off, not a turn on. I need not "fight for him" nor the "relationship he thought we shared." Because after all, there was no "us" nor was there a relationship. We were just kicking it...having bundles of fun. But now that will be no more because he lied to me and eliminated my trust for him. He said he understood, but he sounded devastated. I ended the conversation and told him that I hope the next time he really liked a WOMAN, he wouldn't mess it up with childish lies. I could have sworn I heard slight wimpering in the background. Was he crying??!! He abruptly ended our conversation and I haven't heard from him since. Thank God for small favors!