What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas Time?

“‘Tis the season to be jolly- but how can I be when I have nobody?”~The Emotions

Bachelor #1 and I have gone our separate ways…on his account. I am not exactly sure when or where things went wrong…but I respect his decision …the day before Christmas….via text message that said “Nice Meeting you- You are a wonderful person” Yep. That’s pretty much how it went. That’s worst than how Bu.rg.er broke up with Ca.rr.ie on Sex.in.the.City (via post-it note). Sometimes I really hate technology; it makes folks lazy and gives them the easy way out.

I left some things at his house, because the last time we were together things were great. There was no sign that the text message I received on Christmas Eve was even a thought in the back of his mind…but I digress….I left some things at his house and I asked if we could meet up to talk and he could bring my things to me then. I had a ton of questions, mainly about my part in this, and how I contributed to him wanting to break things off between us. Then after a couple of days of thinking, I decided that there was no need for any further conversation on the matter. It would be best if he just mailed my things. We had only been dating for a couple of months, and I might as well cut my losses now without looking back. I am not about to beg him or try to convince him to stay with me. It just isn’t that serious. There are obviously some things about me that didn’t sit well with him, one being my need for communication. I don’t like going days without speaking to the person I am involved with. The beginning of the relationship is the time when you should be in such bliss, that you can’t get enough of each other, and all you wanna do is talk to that person or see them/be with them.

I don’t generally expect for my gentleman callers to call me everyday every hour on the hour. That isn’t realistic; however, with Bachelor #1 and I, from the first day we met, we have seen each other every day (with the exception of when either of us has to go out of state). We didn’t speak over the phone for extended periods of time because we never had to, and most often we communicated via text during the day while we were both at work. Recently we ran into a little problem with the communication thing, (see this post) but I thought the problem was rectified after we talked about it. Evidently I was wrong because he cited that incident as the reason for him breaking things off with me. As I said I don’t expect anybody I am dating to call me every day, but I’ll be damned if I call you or text you and you don’t respond, that’s just plain rude. I have a problem with that. No matter how busy you are, at some point you can take the time out to type: HEY! Shit. People make time for what they feel is important.

The Holiday Season always gives me a feeling of overwhelming anxiety. There isn’t a singular reason why I am not particularly fond of the 7 day span between Christmas and the New Year…it’s a plethora of things. One of the main reasons, however, is that I have NEVER been in a relationship during the holidays. It doesn’t matter if I have a “boyfriend” or not, something always seems to happen right before Christmas/NYE and I end up spending the Holiday Season alone.

My single girlfriends and I agree that Holiday time is really hard for those of us without men and children…it is the PRIME time for everyone in your family that is married with children (especially the elder women) to get in your business and try to figure out when you are gonna get married and start having children. One of my good girlfriends made the comment the other day that the next time one of her aunts or her grandmother asks her “are you dating anybody?” she was gonna respond very non-chalantly “no but there’s a couple of dudes I’m f****g” and see if she gets asked that question again. LOL!!!

This parting of ways between Bachelor #1 and I couldn’t have come at a more inopportune time. I was actually becoming excited about our budding romance, and had planned to spend the days off this Holiday Season with him. God is always faithful to me, and all I have to do is say my little prayer to him, and he eliminates dead weight men. So-long Bachelor #1…let’s make way for the Bachelors of 2008! I have a date tonight. Check back tomorrow and see how it went!
