Bachelor #1

Bachelor #1: The Big Amazing Human (aka BAH)

The Big Amazing Human aka BAH is the man of the week. He is such a great guy so far and he is a true gentleman. He seems to have his life in a stable order, and is looking to settle down sometime in the near future. He doesn't give me the vibe that he thinks he is a pimp, nor that he is interested in running a heram. We have been going on dates now for a few weeks and we enjoy each other's company. He lives wayyyyy on the other side of town, so we often meet up at a mutual spot for some good wine and good convo. We both like to eat, so we frequent some of the best restaurants in the city to get our grub on.

Last night we went to dinner and a movie. At the night's end, he walked me to my car and I gave him a tight hug before I got into the driver's seat. See, this is the deal: This was my first REAL time hugging him even though we've been seeing each other consistently for a few weeks. The reason why is, I don't like to get too touchy flesh is still very weak, and I am really attracted to him. Getting touchy feely can lead to other things, and well, I just don't wanna go down that rode. So....the BAH hugged me tight....and....that's when I felt them.

YEP! He has MAN-BOOBS!!!!!!

Ok- so he is a really big man...tall and big. Not fat per-se, but definately solid...and I now know, that he has A-cups. WTF??!! I hurried into my car to call my girlfriend to let her know that my Bachelor of the moment has MAN-BOOBS! She laughed hysterically on the other end of the phone. Unfortunately, I didn't find the humor in it.

This is where I stand confused: So the dude has MAN-BOOBS, but I have a lil cushion for the pushin in areas that I don't care for...I'm not a size 2 stick figure, and will NEVER be. I have love handles and a couple of aging rolls here and there that I am working on getting rid of....BUT MAN BOOBS....that is so next level.

Am I being shallow??? I??? Would YOU date someone with MAN-BOOBS?



Anonymous said...

Nope! Can't date a man with MAN-BOOBS. I have small boobs so I refuse to date a man that has boobs bigger than mine.

Anonymous said...

Buy a gym membership for him this Christmas and start planning the wedding, Sugar. Nobody is perfect! Women suffer far worse consequences after bearing children and men tough it out with our stretch marks and boobs that hang down to our thighs!