
So...I have been abstaining from the tempations of the flesh. I have made a conscious decision to do so given the fact that I haven't been very lucky in love. I found myself becoming attached to men that I shouldn't or wouldn't have ordinarily been attached to, and when I looked at the most common factor in those relationships, aside for ME, sex was the common factor. I realized that the guys I did not give my goodies to (and trust me, they are goodies), were the easiest to get rid of and forget about. However, the ones that stuck their hands in the cookie jar, lingered around a little while longer.

See, I have realized in my older age that not only do I suffer from abandonment issues (I grew up without my parents), I also suffer from the HERO complex. I had a habit of thinking I was Captain Save-A-Hoe. Literally. I wanted to save and convert Hoe @ssed dudes. An impossible task. Really. That's why I was unsuccessful.

I also realized that I was so giving....I gave so much to relationships, especially my goodies...but often got nothing in return but a visit to the Heartbreak Hotel. So, after deep contemplation and consideration, I decided that I would save my goodies for the ONE man that deserves it, my "HIM" (honest incredible man). My HIM is the one GOD has pre-destined for me to be with. My HIM is out there somewhere, and I believe he is chillin in the cut with my single girlfriends' HIMs :)

Until he is revealed to me, I will continue to keep the Goodies Jar Sealed tight. Although matters of the flesh are hard to combat, I am willing to do so for the sake of my own happiness. Many ppl may not understand my stance, and that's ok- it isn't for everyone to understand nor agree with. However, I believe this is the BEST thing for ME. Follow me as I follow Christ.
