The Thrill of the Chase

So, I went to a party last night, and found myself being pursued by all the typical types. You know who they are....absolutely the last guy you want to talk to at an event. For whatever reason, they always seem to find me! It's as if I put off a scent that says "Losers, old men, short guys and jerks, WELCOME!" But I point is, as usual, the one guy I'm actually interested in (and who seems to have an interest in me) never bothers to speak. The guy of the night was actually quite attractive and would have no problems with the ladies. I could have been imagining things but there was definite eye contact and even an occasional graze of the arm. So, I think it's pretty safe to say that my radar was right on, and this guy had a definite attraction to me. But somehow, I left the event with no more than an introduction. Now there are a few reasons why the guy may have not approached (of which I can't share) but when the coast was clear, he lingered but still kept a comfortable distance.

At this point, I'm sure you're thinking "maybe he's just not that into you!" And you could be right. But I'm a very attractive girl (or so I've been told) and like any woman, I know when I'm picking up "the vibe." Which leads me to the topic of this post: Have women and men evolved so much that men are no longer expected to make the first move or initiate conversation??? I mean, I'm all for "girl power" but it seems to me that things have gotten carried away. It's almost as if men expect women to put the moves on them! Call me old-fashioned but isn't it the guy who's supposed to come on to the girl? Isn't the man supposed to lead in the dance? Whatever happened to a guy coming over to simply say "hello, nice to meet you, i think you're beautiful, would love to get to know you better"?!?

Let me be clear here before you click send on the fiesty email you are planning to send. I see nothing wrong with a woman making the first move. If you see something you want, by all means, go for it. That's with anything in life. But, I'm just an old-fashioned kind of girl. I LIKE when an attractive man comes up to me and attempts to get to know me better. I have to admit that I like to be chased. And it's not about playing games, there's just a thrill in being someone wanting to know you. Women's liberation and "girl power" (as it relates to the topic) is just not the same in this case!

Now I've heard that some men actually like to be approached, they find it sexy. And that may be the case for some, but I believe that once you change roles, you lose all power. You've given the guy the upper hand. He knows withought a doubt that you're interested so he doesn't have to work as hard. Most times he gets lazy. Where's the mystery? There is none.

Like I said earlier, I advocate women getting what they want and I'm not knocking you if you're into making the first move. So don't get your panties all in a bunch - it's just not my thing and I believe it messes up the natural order of things. And truth be told, I envy all the ladies out there who have no problem spotting a man they want to know better and making it happen. It's a brave I will probably never be able to master. So ladies don't let me discourage you but for all my old-fashioned sistahs...I'll be right there with you...waiting for "the one" to make his move. Will the REAL MEN please stand up!



Anonymous said...


Finally! So I'm not the only woman in this world who thinks the dating game should begin with a man pursuing a woman. I think it's exactly what you said " we have evolved so much that things have gotten all messed up". Unfortunatley, I've made the mistake of adopting a more aggressive approach toward men and it has come back to bite me right in the tush over and over again!
I've had this conversation with many of my male friends and they all agree that aggressive behavior is welcomed for physical relationships, but no real man will consider committing to a woman that has chased him down. Can you blame them for feeling that way? Women today should remember some of the lessons that we were taught by our mothers and fathers when it comes to "courting". It seemed to have worked for them, so why wouldn't it for us?
A very good friend of mine once told me that agression is a male characteristic and no real man wants to be with a woman that has male traits. Patience is what we need to learn as women, not aggression.