I have quite a few very attractive single girlfriends. We are often in awe of each other because we are all very beautiful, successful women with no diseases and most of us have no children. We all have degrees, some of us even have multiple degrees including Masters. BUT none of us are in committed relationships. I know I know, you can't believe that women like us are single can ya? Most men can't believe it either. I have no clue why some worthy man hasn't snagged him a good wife out of the bunch yet, but I think part of the problem may be that when we go out together, men just don't know who to choose! Though none of us really look alike, we are all very aesthetically appealing, and unless you are a man with a defined "type" then any man who just loves beautiful women would have a problem choosing.

Most of the time, my friends and I don't have many problems choosing the men that we like and be interested in talking to. We all pretty much have defined "types" and hardly every stray away from the molds. However, there is one slight problem. One of my good girlfriends who we will call Rock-N-Roll has the same "type" as I do.

Rock N Roll is BEAUTIFUL. She is also a few yrs my senior and beats me in the aggression department. Her confidence and sexiness is admirable and at times I feel like her understudy since I am more reserved and shy. I listen to her tricks of the trade when it comes to dating and even incorporate them into my own repertoire every now and then. BUT I realized recently that we are gonna have major problems in The Dating Lane.

It all started one Saturday night at a Birthday Party. We were in our hometown at this swanky lil joint celebrating the life of one of our Nearest and Dearest (Darlene). The room was buzzing with beautiful women and handsome men….but all of the guys there- we knew, and we knew that they were either spoken for or full of s%*t. Then, up walks this stunningly handsome man with the prettiest white teeth I've ever seen! He was introduced to our group as a friend of a friend. The joke amongst the others in the group once they saw the guy (knowing he was me and Rock-N-Roll's "type") was "5-4-3-2-1 and they're off." LOL! Both of our eyes lit up. I batted my eyes at the guy, she batted and winked hers; I shook my shimmy, she two-stepped (figuratively)….up until the point that she got tired of me checking ole boy out, she looked at me and said "You know he's a hook-up for me- RIGHT?!" In other words: "Back of Bitch!"

Insert *sigh* here. She trumped me. Again.

A week or two later, we were in the same swanky spot doing a little PR and out of the side of my eye I spotted a handsome man. I leaned in to Darlene and told her about the guy in the corner who I had my eye on…Rock-N-Roll was a few steps ahead of us and didn't hear the convo that was taking place behind her….then all of a sudden, she started eye-balling my prospect! YES! I was like "Oh uh uh! I saw him first!" I know you guys are probably like "Grow Up!" but when you and your girlfriend- someone you hang out with on the regular, obiviously like the same type of men, it can become a MAJOR faux pas! TRUST! It was then that the concept of saying BINGO was formed. I told her that I was gonna have to start calling BINGO on the guys I like. The concept came from a game that I used to play as a child. I'm sure we have all played this game a time or two. Anytime my cousin and I saw a car or a house that we liked we would yell out BINGO. The first person to say BINGO was the winner and the winner was the fake owner of the car or house. Well, I have come to a sad state in The Dating Lane….Rock N Roll and I must call BINGO when we see a man we're interested in. That way, if we plan on making the first move, then we won't be competing against each other. However, if HE makes the first move, then it's all fair game.

It seemed to be working well, this new found strategy of ours. A few days later, we went to PF Changs for dinner. When we sat down the server came to take our drink order and to my surprise Darlene and Rock-N-Roll knew the guy and were pretty friendly with him. He was my "type" I was all ready to give him the "welcoming eye" and before I could say anything about it Rock-N-Roll softly said "BINGO!"





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