First let me introduce name is C'est Chic! (C.C.)
I am a twenty something almost thirty something single female.
I am well educated, versatile, pretty good looking, and from what others say, I have a very unique personality. All in All, I believe that I am a pretty decent individual.

I decided to start a blog to chronicle the (mis)adventures in dating. Please sit back, relax, and be entertained by my stories of the underworld! Strap on your safety belts ladies and gentlemen as you embark on this back seat bumpy ride into the underworld we singles call dating. There are no traffic signals or warning signs, and potholes are frequent. However, occasionally we will embark on well paved grounds....but only for a moment :)

Occasionally some of my Partners-In-Dating will share their experiences and thoughts. **Charmed** will make sneak peaks, so be on the look out for her as she travels through the Dating Lane as well.

Please understand that these are simply our thoughts, experiences, and opinions. We may sometimes offend folks with our lingo, perceptions and assumptions. You must realize that reading our blog is a CHOICE and you can also to CHOOSE to exit and never return if we strike a nerve. We are protected by the 1st Amendment. Don't you just love America??!!

If you have a unique story to share, please feel free to send it to We reserve the right to edit and post submissions at our own discretion. Be sure to sign up for automatic alerts to your email address when we post new content (found on right side).

All stories are based on actual events that have taken place in our lives. Be sure to invite others that you think may enjoy our random rants about Life in the Dating Lane!