Does Size Matter?

We wouldn't be human if we didn't have preferences- right?

I have a list of requirements or shall I say "hopefuls" that my HIM should encompass. I will get to that in my next post, however, after a chat with some of my girlfriends, I realized that many of us agree on one thing- he should be packin' *Sniggles*

No I am NOT speaking of packing a Smith & Wesson…the weapon I am talking about resides in his pants alright- The Magic Stick!

Does size matter?

I have heard many people say that "it isn't about the size of the ship, but rather the motion in the ocean." That sounds all good, but for real ladies….do ya really wanna waste ya time on a man with a pencil for a penis? Seriously?

This topic strikes up a memory.
Picture this My Hometown before the turn of the century: I was a novice in the sexual aspect. I had only had one partner at this time- my high school sweetheart. I was curious to experience sex with someone else, simply because all of my girlfriends were ranting and raving about how good sex was and I just couldn't relate. I assumed they were getting something that I wasn't cuz it was take it or leave it for me, and I preferred to just leave it.

Charmed and I went to a college party and we hooked up with these guys we had been recently dating. We thought we were hot stuff because we were fresh out of high school and these guys were older than us with real jobs, cars and apartments! Our gentleman callers were cousins, and hung tight, which was to our advantage since she and I hung tight as well. My gentleman caller we will call Mr. White. Mr. White was tall, dark and handsome and he was FINE AS HELL! Mmm Mmm Mmm. Just thinking about how fine that man was makes me quiver.

Anyways, the night came to an end and Charmed decided that she wanted to go home with her Gentleman Caller. Being that she drove, that kind of left me out in the dark, so my Gentleman Caller offered to bring me home. I accepted, but somewhere along the way, both of us decided that instead of me going home, I would go to his house. I was kind of excited that I would now be able to compare my sexual experiences! Yay for me I thought.

We went into his bedroom and then proceeded to get to business. Remember y'all, I was a novice. We started making out and had four play, etc. It was now time for the main event…well…I never realized when the "event" began. This dude was so small, I couldn't tell the difference between his manhood and his finger! And to make matters worse he kept sliding out….and every time he did so he would say "oooops!" That word became a long standing joke between my friends and I.

Since then I've Incorporated something that I like to call the finger test. With the finger test, I am able to judge the girth of a subject's penis using my middle finger and thumb for an assessment. I test to see exactly where my thumb lands on my middle finger as I wrap them around the penis. Folks laugh, but it matters to me!

There is a flip side of this though. A man who is packin' too much can be scary! I will run in the opposite direction of an overly endowed man! I'm a little chick- I need the happy middle.

Does size really matter? If a guy is lackin' packin', is it ok for him to over compensate in other areas of the sexual realm?

What about if the guy is hung low? Is that more or less appealing? Hell, is sex even a requirement in your book? Here I go with my weak flesh worried about all of the wrong things. SMH.

Lesson of the day: I am not one to settle for mediocrity. Being average is not appealing to me, that is, unless you are a man with an average penis size. I can not and will not take an overly endowed man. I will run from you! Yeah- I'm scared of the d***. So what! BUT I will laugh in the face of a short short man…."don't want, don't want, don't want no itsy bitsy, teenie weenie, shriveled little short, short man." LMAO!
